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Race: Half Elf or Hollow Elves

Racial Overview:

Since the awakening of humans and their first encounter with elves there have been half-elves. Sired from elven and human parents, a half-elf does not fit into either society. Generally, half elves that are born to doting parents get on well within their society while those that are unwanted become dark and twisted and make excellent thieves.

Half-elves tend to follow the societal path that they were raised in, becoming in human societies very passionate and energetic, and in elven clans reserved and learned.

In either case the traits from both parents cause them terrible trouble among their peers. Half-elves tend to be wanderers, as they find it difficult to fit in anywhere it is because of this that many turn to a life of adventuring.

Physical Description and Looks:

The appearance and cultural outlook of a half-elf will vary widely. To be a half-elf, one must either have a human and an elven parent, or two half-elf parents. The children of a half-elf and an elf will be elven (though certainly looked down upon by their peers for impure blood) and those of a half-elf and a human will be human. Some take strongly after their elven parent, while others will look so human that they are often passed over in a casual glance. Perhaps the hardest life is for those who are raised in one culture, but closely resemble the parent of the other. These are often faced with difficult childhoods and uncertain futures, especially when human and elven realms are in conflict. About 50% of half-elven men can grow facial hair, and some of those do, further hiding their elven heritage

Other Psychological Factors:

Too large and thickly built to be long mistaken for a full blooded elf, yet too slight and alien looking to be fully human, they find themselves on the outside of both parent’s societies. Many struggle constantly for acceptance that will never fully come, while many others leave both human and elven societies behind, living either on their own, amidst other races, or living amongst the generally tolerant and diverse population of adventurers.

The half-elf requires only four hours worth of sleep or meditation to be rested. This is especially valuable to spellcasters. Drawing on their elven heritage, some half-elves are able to live for centuries.

Half elves do not have the blood traits of their full elven brothers and so can use human healing


Half-Elves, like all the other half breed races have no history of their own. They float on the fringe between human and elvish society, never truly being accepted or rejected by either of them.


This does not mean that they have not participated in historical events it just means that their deeds are absorbed into either elvish or human history.


In fact it is common to find the half-elves involved in many aspects of history usually in an attempt to be accepted by their surrogate society.


With the recent retreat of the elvish nations from human society back to the forests, half elves have become more obvious and in some instances have almost been accepted as true elves; something that most half-elves wouldn't have an issue with.


Unfortunately, half-elves are usually the first to be blamed when something is going wrong or there is social unrest brewing. It is not uncommon for superstitious humans or the more radical of the elvish clans (such as the wolf clan) to actively persecute them in times of trouble. When this happens the half-elves will generally move on.

Society and Everyday life:

They don't lend themselves to any particular profession or pastime and just try and fit in where they can.

Clothing, Weapons and Tools:

Like their human ancestors, half-elves are skilled at nearly any craft but as a race are not known for making any unique items or tools. However you will generally find that a half elven item will be of slightly better quality to that of a human.

Hierarchy and Social Caste:

Half elves have no hierarchy or social standing, they fit in as and where they can. However due to their intelligence they will quite often find themselves in some society useful role.

Trade Commerce and Crafts:



Half elves have no currency of their own.

Dwellings and Major Cites:

Half elves live within their surrogate society and live within the structures built by their respective communities.

Culture, Festivals and Customs:

Half Elves follow the everyday life of whichever society they were brought up in.

Religion and Magic:

Half elves are flexible with their religion and usually show lip service to the societies main deity’s while following their own religious tenant in private.

Languages and Scripture:

Half elves have ho native tongue and speak the language of their surrogate society.

Role Playing Tips 

Half elves are dramatically different in persona; Del is effectively a smart human with one pointy ear having spent his entire life on the streets of Baegwynn. Naylan is the Lorinthiel priest protector of the last unicorn. They really do just fit in where they can, but as for general racial traits; they are very adaptive and definitely survivalists, possibly a trait from their human lineage. They are also usually of exceptional intelligence, a trait inherited from our elvish ancestry. They also seem to be very unlucky. Bryn is cursed, Del is always in trouble, Naylan accidentally killed the king and became an alcoholic...