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ISHTRA  – Goddess of Healing

Status:  Younger God

Level:  8000

Avatar:  Aarint

Also known as “Lifegiver”, or “The First Breath”, this firstborn was the embodiment of mercy and compassion. Travelling the young world she was horrified at the bloodshed and mutilation that was apparent wherever she went. Praying for guidance she set about learning the ways of healing, of mending what violence had broken. She travelled widely with the young gods and gradually her name became spoken as a prayer for the injured and sick.

Over the years, as her powers of healing flourished, her followers grew and grew until she was the head of a tremendous cult. These followers eventually disbanded to form their own healing colonies and each travelled the world trying to rid it of suffering and disease. In almost every corner of the world her name was known, or her aspect worshipped in some form or other.

Pharastus learnt of the formidable powers of this firstborn and plotted to make them his own. He knew that Ishtra would refuse healing to him in his natural form, because it was so hideous and evil that he rotted everything around him for miles. He therefore disguised himself as a diseased-ridden leper, infested with the most virulent plagues that existed at that time, knowing that only the hands of Ishtra herself would be able to cure them.

Pharastus then manifested himself on the world and proceeded to wander aimlessly under his disguise. In time he was brought, as all the sick were, to one of the many healing colonies, as a plague victim. The healers soon realised the seriousness of his ailment and word was sent to Ishtra. When Ishtra arrived, the leper was almost dying. Ishtra instructed her followers to leave her, as curing this leper would take nearly all of her strength, so foul were his contamination’s.

For seven days, and seven nights Ishtra used all of her healing skills, and all of her knowledge (even consulting Plouton at times, it is said), and eventually the plague was halted within the leper and he began to recover. Ishtra was so exhausted that she immediately fell into a deep slumber. Pharastus, realising that this was the moment to strike, reverted to his normal form and tried to infect Ishtra with the plague, knowing that in her weakened state she could not resist.

So great was the will of Ishtra, however, that she awoke before the infestation was complete, and Pharastus was unable to force her into obedience. Pharastus’ rage was great and he ran free, slaying and maiming Ishtra’s followers in huge numbers, decimating her cult. Ishtra herself was mortally wounded defending her healing colony. Pharastus then went into the surrounding countryside and infected many, thus starting what came to be known as The Great Plague which claimed the lives of many thousands of innocents.

From this time onwards the cult of Ishtra, as it became known, lived in mortal fear of Pharastus and his manifestations, knowing that they would be powerless if he decided to strike again.



Ishtra’s cult never really recovered from the decimation caused by Pharastus, and to this day is still a relatively small cult but very much an open one. Ishtra’s clerics are mainly women, but men are equally welcome to join.

Most clerics run healing colonies, like those of old, where ill and diseased come to be healed. Others can be found wandering the countryside healing and curing those they come across that come to them in humble supplication. All are opposed to violence in any form and the only thing to be gained from those who threaten them is the curse of their goddess.

She is also the patron of pregnant women.


There are very few organised temples to Ishtra, for they fear that these provide an open invitation for those who seek to quell her worship. However, in large towns and cities there may be a small shrine with an attendant cleric or two. All of her healing colonies have a makeshift shrine where the diseased come to prey. These colonies are not healthy places however, and never situated near settled areas. Most lepers must make the equivalent of a pilgrimage there to be healed.


The cult is never congregated together long enough for fear of persecution to organise holy days, although every new day is greeted with hope and thanks are given regularly.


All religions that preach violence and war are greeted with anger from Ishtra’s clerics, although their followers will not be refused healing. Any cleric of Ishtra is always guaranteed a welcome in any Plouton temple and may travel to his temples to research new healing remedies and to learn the properties of plants and herbs, etc.

The cult still retains its fear of old, of Pharastus in all his manifestations and no follower of his will be allowed to come near the cleric.

The cult however does tend to receive the odd bit of protection from the cult of Marnarka. Dauthrman the Rogue has even been known to help the cult covertly, in thanks for their goddess’ help in healing their deity.

No one will willingly attack a cleric of Ishtra, for they are never armed or armoured with anything more than a staff for self-defence, except the most evil of cults.


No one who has ever taken a life may join the cult. The clerics are never permitted to carry any other weapon than a staff for defence and a knife for cutting bandages. No cleric of Ishtra must ever refuse healing to one who comes in humble solicitation. They may never commit acts of aggression, even if provoked, and may only use their staves in self-defence or the defence of others.


WEAPONS ALLOWED: Staff (for self-defence), and a knife (for cutting bandages, etc).

ARMOUR ALLOWED: Soft leather only