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TANARSA – The Star Queen, Goddess of Fertility

Status:  1st Generation Elder God

Level:  90000

Avatar:  Barint

Tanarsa is normally portrayed as a beautiful maiden dressed in a simple transparent white lace gown.

Before time itself Tanarsa and the other Gods were alone in the world, which stood devoid of intelligent life. Marnarka Lord of the Gods and the Sky Lord ordered the Gods to see if any of their kind existed elsewhere in the universe. He told Tanarsa, his wife, and Ro’Azarkh the Warlord, God of Fire, to investigate the void to find their “Fons et Origo” source and origin and to see if other Gods exist.

On they’re adventures together in space Tanarsa and Ro’Azarkh laid together. From this union, in the cold harshness of space, was born a daughter, whom they named U’Basti. U’Basti was a beautiful child who from birth carried her form with a cat like grace. Immediately Ro’Azarkh was smitten by his daughter’s beauty and grace, but he told not Tanarsa for he feared her jealousy, and so together Ro’Azarkh and Tanarsa carried the infant on their adventures.

The search eventually led them to Se the great burning sky globe. So intense was its scalding heat and dazzling light that Tanarsa was driven back for the mighty rays of Se threatened to burn both her and her infant. Ro’Azarkh commanded that Tanarsa should take his daughter to Bifrost but only by a secret way. Tanarsa told Ro’Azarkh of The Path Of Ages a secret path in the western mountains of Bifrost that her husband Marnarka used to use when he went on his communes with Ome-te Llest. Ro’Azarkh agreed that this was acceptable and that Tanarsa should take U’Basti to Mt Fireheart in the East and await his return. Tanarsa left U’Basti with carers on Mt Fireheart and returned to Bifrost to tell Marnarka of the wonders she had beheld. On Ro’Azarkh return he took U’Basti and adopted her as his own.

Many aeons past and Tanarsa, still in awe of Se, decided to create her own sons, and so collecting great stores of Silver, Mithril, Alumen and Magnesia she set them high in the sky, she then ignited the Magnesia and her creations burnt brightly in the night sky. Despite all her efforts she could not match Se and so forever more she strives to create Se’s twin sister.

Tanarsa is the mother of all the Elder Gods that were not created by Ome-te Llest’s first song. She is married to Marnarka the Sky Lord and because of their bondship she benefits, as does he, from combined powers. Their bonds allow either of them to see anywhere upon the world under the day or night sky.

Tanarsa was amongst the pantheon gathered by Marnarka to visit the halls of the Dwarves. After the visit she decided to honour her husband by creating the Beltir, or Light Elves. Marnarka was pleased and asked Tanarsa to help Lorinthiel create more such beautiful creatures, but Tanarsa refused, saying such creations brought her less joy than the act of gestating a child within her own womb.

She is said to be a very pleasurable female who can make her self young or old at whim. She is said to lie with whomever she likes and does so secretly without Marnarka’s permission. Because of this she is as much worshipped for her beautiful celestial creations as she is for her powers of fertility which she generously bestows upon her followers.

Tanarsa’s flings have not always been kept secret from her husband. When Pharastus announced his affair with her, calling her a wanton whore and a slut whose loyalty is worth nothing more than that of a mongrel hound emotionally destroyed Marnarka, who abandoned the rest of the Gods on the battlefield Pharastus had just created.

Marnarka banished Tanarsa from Bifrost for her adultery and for a brief time after this Tanarsa adopted a self-destructive nature and assuming the form of a cuttlefish and the name Asranat laid with Daunam, giving birth to a son, Daleth.  Daunam was overjoyed never suspecting Asranat’s true identity.

When Marnarka returned from consultations with Ome-te Llest he was full of forgiveness for his wife and accepted her back into Bifrost and back into his arms. Marnarka decided to honour his wife by begetting upon her the last of the Elder Gods, Vladivar. Tanarsa was so pleased to again be with Marnarka’s child that she lavished her attentions upon Vladivar, determined to make him the most beautiful God ever to exist. She spoiled him outrageously and always called him her beautiful one. She made up grand titles for him and insisted that all the other Gods call him by his full title and name, as befitted the son of Marnarka.


Her symbol is that of a stylised sun


Tanarsa is worshipped mainly by Elves as the celestial star Queen and Goddess of fertility and wine. Her only ceremonies are great orgies held on the full of every moon.


Tanarsa’s temples are well built stone structures, which feature elegant carvings and statues of their queen. Nearly every corner of the temple is carved or shaped in some wondrous way.


Holy days, or should I say nights? Fall on the full moon where Tanarsa’s followers indulge in great orgies in reverence of the stars and the moon.


The cult is only bothered with its self and rarely comes into conflict with other religions.




Star Bright, Star Light

First Star I see tonight

Twinkling Stars, and moonlight Glow

I honour thee Tanarsa so.