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POSEIDON – The Underlord of the Fathomless Depths

Status:  1st Generation Elder God

Level:  8500

Avatar:  Barint

Poseidon is the half brother of Daunam, a terrible deity banished aeons ago by his brother to the fathomless darkness of the ever deeps for all eternity.

Poseidon was once a deity looked upon by others as a fair but strict lord who ruled the oceans hand-in-hand with his half-brother Daunam. This brotherly partnership lasted for many ages and it is told by the water elves that the seas were never more placid.

The animosity between Poseidon and Daunam started before the coming of the younger gods, coming about as a terrible, but clever plot engineered and carried out by Pharastus the Dark Lord. Pharastus’ plan was to divide the brothers and cause them to fight and finally hate each other. To do this terrible deed Pharastus sent a Daemon in the form of a beautiful mermaid called Kittyana, knowing that the brothers were prone to beauty in all forms (especially female!).

As Pharastus had hoped Daunam and Poseidon loved Kittyana and fought over her. Finally Poseidon won Kittyana’s love (all part of Pharastus’ plan) and he took her into his ocean depths as his wife. It was then that the second part of Pharastus’ plan came to fruition. Kittyana began to influence Poseidon’s actions and began to breed animosity between the brothers. The verbal poison started as small lies, but finally resulted in Poseidon openly declaring his hatred towards Daunam.

Poseidon began by drawing his faithful to him; many of the large and terrible creatures of the deeps heeded his call. In the resulting battle Daunam, master of the seas, called upon the seas terrible strength to destroy Poseidon’s troops. The great waves and currants obeyed and Poseidon’s troops were dashed against the rocks.

Poseidon’s troops destroyed and Poseidon himself routed from the oceans, pleaded mercy, but his pleas fell upon deaf ears and Daunam banished Kittyana and Poseidon to the ever deeps, never to return, but Kittyana had vanished (the Daemon had returned to its master).

Here Poseidon sat in terrible anger, plotting the overthrow and downfall of his brother….


 A stylised Shark Tooth  or  The Krakens Eye


Worship to Poseidon is a singular affair, where once a month the Priest sacrifices something to the depths of the oceans in Poseidon’s name. This sacrifice can take any form, from a small food offering to a magical artefact, anything that the Priest feels will help Poseidon in his plans to overthrow his brother.






Followers of Poseidon hate all followers of Daunam and this hatred is extended to his son Daleth. All other deity’s are viewed with non-regard, as Poseidon’s followers have very little to do with them.


Anyone who has devotion to the sea may follow Poseidon, but in order to be accepted into the Priesthood they must prove their devotion to their god by performing a ritual sacrifice.