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The Spirits

There are four types of spirit a Shaman may contact, the Animal Spirit the Creature Spirit, the Plant Sprint, and the Power Spirit.

The first and most common type of spirit is the animal spirit. Animal spirits are the as the name suggests the souls of dead animals they are extremely jealous spirits and because of this a shaman can only ever make a pact with one type of any animal spirit. Thus a shaman could not have two Lion Spirits but he could have a lion, tiger and cheetah spirit, or he could not have two thrush spirits but he could have a thrush spirit and a robin spirit.

The second rarer type of sprit is the Creature spirit. The creature spirit is not jealous like the animal spirit but they are fussy! They will not work with the enemy so to speak. Thus a shaman contacting a goodly spirit could not contact an evil spirit. Neutral creature spirit will work with either good or evil.

The third spirit type is the plant spirit, they are the most passive of spirits and the shaman may bind to any plant spirit without penalty.

The fourth and final spirit type is the Power spirit and the strangest of the all the spirits. The power spirit is a corrupted spirit that has no semblance of its previous life; all it has is a will to do what it did in its life. There is speculation as to how they come into existence, but it is generally believed that they are the lost souls of beings that have not been taken into the embrace of a deity, or been laid to rest. Many of the more perfidious power spirits such as the pain spirits are believed to be the souls of the Dwagar.  Power spirits have no personality or will of their own and appear to a person with spirit sight as glowing orbs. Power spirits are attracted to living creatures with an insane jealousy and are extremely easy to locate when on Geburah.

Powers of Bound Spirits

Bound spirits have two powers that the shaman can employ their Passive and their Active talents.


The Passive talents can be used at anytime and do not cause the spirit to return to the spirit world. When the active power of a spirit is used the passive talent is lost until the shaman re-contacts he spirit. It is not up to the ref. to remind the player about his passive spirit powers he must still ‘use’ the spirits power to gain the skill.

The Active talent may only be employed once and they effect targets with a strength/power equal to the shamans own level. (I.e. a level one spirit  used by a level three shaman would affect the target at level three). When used the spirit will then return to the spirit world and will need to be contacted again using he ritual of Samhain (This is done without further BP loss as the shaman has already made his pact). This means that the shaman will lose the Passive effects of his spirit until he has re-contacted it.

Using Spirit Talents

As mentioned above a spirit will grant its Passive talents to the shaman continuously until its active talent is employed.


When using a spirit against a foe the victim may attempt to resist the spirits effect with his WP vs. the shaman’s power level. If the victim has his own spirit and his WP is greater than he shamans the spirit is sent back to the Geburah by the victim’s stronger spirit.

There is no range to an active spirit talent – if the shaman can see the victim he can hit them.

If a spirit is cast at another shaman he may use his Fetch to fend off the attack.

Unless briefed by the monster ref a Monster cannot resist a spirit attack.

NB: These creatures have no Souls or Sprits so can never be affected.

-          Animated Undead

-          Elementals

-          Soul stolen victims

-          People who have made a demonic Pact

-          Dwagar

-          Daemons

Spirit Cards

Keep track of your spirits can be difficult so as a suggestion I recommend pieces of card cut to the shape of you spirit with passive power on one side active on the other these are then kept and given up to the ref as their active powers are used.

Only one Animal sprit type can be taken at any one time.

All animal spirits can spirit nip for 1bp damage as an active power.

Bonuses and skills do not stack but multiple 1 use skills such as dodge blow do.

All active and passive powers only work on the shaman unless stated

Spirit Vision

After a person has visited Geburah and found his Fetch the Shaman is now able to see the spirits (souls) of all living creatures and undead. This means that a shaman can see invisible creatures that posses a soul. The spirits of others come harbour some of the shape of their animal nature, thus the spirit of a noble Knight would take the form of a white lion whereas a lowly cutthroat may be a dark grey weasel or a nasty Pharastus priest may be a totally black crow or Snake. The spirits form should give the Shaman a general overview of the character’s character and demeanour.  

A Shaman needs to concentrate to see the spirits it is not a talent that is ‘always active’.

NB: These creatures have no Souls or Sprits.

-          Animated Undead

-          Elementals

-          Soul stolen victims

-          People who have made a demonic Pact

-          Dwagar

-          Daemons

Undead and Spirits

Undead summoned by a necromancer can be ejected from a ‘corpse’ by a shamans fetch. The Undead must have been summoned i.e. the soul in the undead must not be the original soul, so a fetch will have no effect on life-in-death undead nor will it work on undead such as vampires or liches that have become undead at their own dealings. It only works against undead spirits that have been placed inside a foreign body.

Soul Loss and Spirits

Soul Loss, the Shamans own.

To take a shamans soul the ‘catcher’ must over power the shamans fetch. Which is extremely difficult as the shaman’s fetch does not need reside inside his body.  The control of their own spirit is the first thing a shaman learns. If a shaman has his soul stolen, he can guide it back to himself or choose to spirit walk. All bonded spirits will follow the shaman’s spirit unless told otherwise.

Consumed souls.

A shaman can retrieve a consumed soul but they must do so by entering the mind of  the person/creature that consumed it before the year and a day runs out.

Soul Loss. Others.

A person without a soul may be used by a shaman to host a spirit. The Shaman may ‘insert’ a spirit with or without the victim’s consent. The strength of the spirit in the host is important. Should the strength/level of the spirit (not the shamans level) be higher than the host’s WP then the spirit will dominate the host and totally possess them. Spirits of the same power as the host will be in battle with the host and the host will find themselves exhibiting traits of the spirit at stressful times or while asleep. If the spirits strength is lower than the targets WP then no effect is apparent.

Spirit Stores and how to make them

A spirit store is an empty container that once held a spirit, and can be used to temporarily house a bound spirit.

There are only three types of spirit stores, living, dead or magically created.

Living Spirit Store

A living spirit store is a living creature or plant that has lost its own soul. The ‘store’ must still be alive.

Only Animal, Creature or Plant spirits can be placed in a Living Spirit store.

The Vessel will also start to take on the attributes of the spirit stored in it. The higher the spirits level, or the longer the time the spirit inhabits the vessel, the greater the impact.

Shamanistic Spirit Store

These are the bone remains of the dead, such as skulls.

A shamanistic store can only hold a similar spirit, to the one that inhabited it during its life. Thus a bird’s skull could not hold a cat spirit, but it could hold any type of bird spirit from wren to emu or even penguin.

NB: Only Animal or Creature spirits can be housed in these Shamanistic stores.

Magically Created Spirit Store

The third type of store is created solely by magic. These are the residual components of a steal soul spell. The steal soul spell creates a non-living spirit store specific to the soul the ‘stealer’ wants to entrap. However after the spirit has been ‘consumed or returned’ the item retains its enchantment for 1 month and can be used by a shaman to store a single spirit of a power no greater than the WP of the original inhabitant.

NB: The spirit will only be bound until the enchantment runs out (a maximum of 1 month).

Q & A

Do plants have spirits?

Yes. Talk to a ref if you want to pact them.


Does my Sa shield protect against spirit attacks?

Yes, also your wards will work as well vs. the shaman’s level.


Why does magic and Sa protect against spirits?

Only Sa protects against spirits as the gods have the power to affect the living. Spirits can ignore the effects of magic (apart from soul binding spells which are specifically designed to entrap the spirit)

Can I use my magical ward or my Stips to stop spirit attacks?


If I am using spirit’s Active powers can I use more than one power at a time? I.e. fly me to a place and then bite a victim?

No. Only one power can be used.

What force makes a spirit return to Geburah, why don’t used spirits just float around on Ea?

Once they have used their active power they need to re-charge and they can only do this in Geburah. This means that the spirit will pass over on their own accord, as spirits are intricately attached to Geburah it is the shaman’s power or will that keeps them on Ea. This also means that should the shaman perish then his spirits will return home to Geburah.

If the range of my spirits is Sight, can I attack people using a Scrye spell?

This is yes and a no. Scouting spirits can be controlled using a Scrye but you could not send a normal spirit beyond your natural sight. Thus you could not send an un-scouting spirit through a door to attack a victim in the other room if you were looking through a scrye spell. I think the best way to remember this is you need line-of-sight to the target.

When you sacrifice an Item to ‘the spirits’ where does it go?

In game terms no one knows they just vanish. In real terms they end up on the lost items plane.

Why does it cost 2exp to use the Geburah ritual?

It is to balance the skill in game terms so that it is in line with magic sense

So does this mean I have to get a shaman to do the Geburah ritual on me before I can become a shaman?


Why can’t a bound spirit be killed, can I consume them?

A bound spirit cannot be killed as it is already dead (a ghost if you like). A powerful shaman could use his fetch to knock away a spirit thus severing their connection to Ea and they will naturally return home to Geburah. As to consuming them, this would work but the person attempting to consume them would have to capture them first.

This consuming in effect would ‘kill’ the spirit.

Why must I have a totem? Why would the spirits care about an item?

A totem is any natural or mythical animal to which you feel a close connection during your life or some particular period of your life. The energy of the totem animal speaks to you in some way that is relevant to your own personality or circumstance in life. By making a totem, you can gain insight and understanding of your own life circumstances more clearly, and share in the totem power or 'medicine'. Animal totems manifest a specific kind of energy that attracts forces of the spiritual realm and act almost like a magnet helping the shaman control his spirits. Because of the unique nature of the tome when the shaman travels to Geburah his totem acts like a beacon which his bound spirits can home in on and return to him.