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KABOI – The Kaboi Goddess (Aka Niritess or Narkona the slaughterer, U’Basti, The Lioness Hather, The lioness Headed Goddess Sekhmet)

Status:  2nd Generation Elder God

Level:  7500

Avatar:  Barint

Kaboi appears as either a cat, or as a woman with a cat’s head, cats of all types being sacred to her. In the latter form she carries a sistrum in her right hand, an aegis surmounted with a lions head in her left and a small cat skin bag slung over her left arm. She has in past times manifested herself as the lioness Hathor, and the lioness headed goddess, Sekhmet. She was named U’Basti by her parents, and the Elder Gods knew her as this until she chose to change her name.

U’Basti is the illegitimate child of Tanarsa and Ro’Azarkh. Ro’Azarkh having laid with Tanarsa on they’re adventures together in space. Before coming back to Bifrost Tanarsa gave birth to U’Basti in the cold harshness of space, and U’Basti was a beautiful child who from birth carried her form with a cat like grace.


Immediately Ro’Azarkh was smitten, but he told not Tanarsa for he feared her jealousy. Together Ro’Azarkh and Tanarsa carried the infant on their adventures. Eventually came the day when Tanarsa could adventure no longer for the mighty rays of Se threatened to burn both her and her infant. Ro’Azarkh commanded that Tanarsa should take his daughter to Bifrost but only by a secret way. Tanarsa told Ro’Azarkh of The Path Of Ages a secret path in the western mountains of Bifrost that her husband Marnarka used to use when he went on his communes with Ome-te Llest. Ro’Azarkh agreed that this was acceptable and that Tanarsa should take U’Basti to Mt Fireheart in the East and await his return.

When Ro’Azarkh returned he brought with him Pharastus and adopted him along with U’Basti under Marnarka’s grace. This was to be the detriment of Ro’Azarkh for Pharastus used his perfidious power to make Ro’Azarkh fall in love with his Daughter and so Ro’Azarkh hid U’Basti’s parenthood from her. Eventually, over time Ro’Azarkh and U’Basti married. However Pharastus made sure that the bedroom of the incestuous Ro’Azarkh and U’Basti was not a happy one, both U’Basti and Ro’Azarkh were both arrogant and proud, and Pharastus found it easy to make their lives together domestic hell. One night in a fit of terrible, divine rage Ro’Azarkh flung U’Basti to the earth. Upon her landing she manifested herself as Niritess the slaughterer (Sandspeach- Narkonoa) and took about hunting Ro’Azarkh’s priests. In her blind frenzy she set about all the main temples and religious centres to Ro’Azarkh and slaughtered all but a handful of Ro’Azarkh’s followers before Ro’Azarkh finally apologised for his actions.

Revelling in the carnage she had caused U’Basti refused Ro’Azarkh’s please to stop, forcing Ro’Azarkh to resort to philtres made from human blood. In her thirst she drank them all, thereafter becoming too intoxicated to continue the slaughter. Thus Ro’Azarkh’s followers were saved. This poisoning made U’Basti even more enraged. So to appease U’Basti’s anger at being tricked, Ro’Azarkh decreed that, ‘at the same time each year, a great festival should be held in her sacred city Bukabois’. Where on that day there should be brewed in her honour as many jugs of philtre as there are priestesses to her power. Such is the legend of the origin of the great annual celebration, which takes place in Bukabois.

Appeased U’Basti left for the Ered deserts where she encountered the Kaboi (Kaboi – Felinaur) she was accepted into there folk for her musk scent was that of the Katnip herb that drives the Kaboi insane with wanton lust. Here she learnt the ways of the Kaboi and taking their racial human name for her own led them as a god like queen. During this time the Kaboi built many vast Pyramid constructions to her honour, each one consecrated with her power and filled with hundreds of thousands of ‘shiny things’. At the Apex of Kaboi’s power the great deserts were dominated by the Kaboi they thrived and spread out to colonise across the entire world.

Kaboi’s reign eventually came to an end just before the coming of the younger gods when she was commanded to return to Bifrost by Marnarka. She ordered that her people bury her alive in a great pyramid tomb west of the Al-Kalan River called Felinaur’s Tomb. Once entombed she took a spiritual form and entered Bifrost. In her absence the Kaboi race declined in stature and with the coming of the younger god’s of Antea, Alalu and Hachimoto and his cult of the Sakya Munj meant the reduction in the cult of Kaboi so that nowadays the Kaboi following is nearly all but a legend. The only lasting testimony to Kaboi on earth is the great impenetrable pyramids filled with many traps and treasures which protect her legacy.

It is as Niritess or Narkona that she appears as the goddess of war and vengeance, whilst in her cat form, Sehkhemet she is the goddess of sexual pleasure and the home, the cat being the guardian of the home and a most sensual creature.

When she dons the name of Hathor she is the predator, the mistress of the wilds in this form she is a black shadowy form which she can solidify into a long, sinewy, cat-like body. She has burning eyes and snarling jaws that pull back to reveal long white fangs, she also possesses long white claws that when unsheathed can cut through any substance.



Her worshippers are adored by the myriad cats of all sizes, which roam the city of Bukabois, they claim the cats themselves worship Kaboi. It is also rumoured that they are granted by their goddess the ability to change into house cats, lions, tigers and even cats the size of which is purported to be monstrous. Disregarding the dubious nature of such claims the feline grace of Kaboi’s followers is undeniable.


The worshipper of Kaboi longs to be as the tiger, running wild, exalting its courage, strength and untamable spirit. To see the world as the most magnificent of beasts must see it, with the keenest of senses, every nerve vibrant and aware. To feel the exhilaration of the hunt and revel in the blood of the prey. It is these savage splendours they desire above all else. Accordingly, the follower of Kaboi shows no fear in battle, being the fiercest and most skilful of adversaries.


Kaboi’s temples are adorned with crafted cats of all descriptions and in many different styles. The main altar is a likeness of Kaboi in one of her aspects, usually Hathor the predator, the mistress of the wilds.


There is only one Holy Day in the Kaboi calendar and that falls on the 1st day of Maymonath. On this day the followers of Ro’Azarkh brew a philtre, one jug for every priestess in the cult, and try to appease Kaboi’s anger at being tricked by Ro by bringing it to a temple within their travelling distance.


Kaboi’s followers have a neutral outlook to all other religions, only getting involved with cults that actively persecute them. They treat followers of Ro’Azarkh however with a very potent animosity.


There is no particular cult requirements, other than the prospective priest must be of good physical health and have at least one skill in agility.



In Character:

The large cats are able to leap on their foes and bite their throats, holding on until the victim dies of asphyxiation.

How to Role-play:

General Rules

NB: If the cat you are playing possess’ strength the victim must have wrestle rank 2 to break free.